

  1. Oh no more screaming? I guess the riot of huggers has stopped

    Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:42:01 UTC from web
    1. @dariusponyperson I might start creaming, but not from hugs.

      Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:43:00 UTC from web
      1. @doates errrr WHAT O_O

        Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:43:49 UTC from web
        1. @robodash You have no idea how good I am at finding shizzle like this

          Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:46:53 UTC from web
          1. @dariusponyperson that was glorious tell me how you find that stuff

            Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:52:20 UTC from web
            1. @robodash Just type in ytpmv in the youtube search bar and you should find some really good remixes try looking for some kirby ones

              Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:54:57 UTC from web
              1. @dariusponyperson this one is stellar

                Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 18:15:54 UTC from web
                1. @robodash You have much to learn young padawan

                  Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 18:28:52 UTC from web
                  1. @dariusponyperson wow just wow i need to learn the ways

                    Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 18:32:22 UTC from web
      2. @doates You forgot the 's' there dear otherwise if you really mean that I'm running for the hills

        Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:44:04 UTC from web
      3. @doates You might start what now?! O_O

        Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:44:19 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin I make one simple typo and then everyone misinterprets what I meant. WELCOME TO RDN!

          Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:46:05 UTC from web
    2. @mrconventrix @dariusponyperson innocesnt typo. Regardless how this film turns out, the camera work is phenomenal. Well, for a horror film

      Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:45:17 UTC from web
      1. @doates Okay fine bad timing =_=

        Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:46:08 UTC from web
        1. @dariusponyperson Now I seem like a jerk. Sorry.

          Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:46:43 UTC from web
          1. @doates Its fine just make sure to spell properly next time yuck

            Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:47:26 UTC from web
            1. @dariusponyperson The fact you were thinking of *that*, makes me wonder...

              Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:48:53 UTC from web
              1. @doates Fine think up whatever you think its not my problem bad jokes aside you should shut up now and just watch the rest of that film how does that sound?

                Wednesday, 18-Jul-12 17:52:34 UTC from web