

  1. @theawesomepony -Laughter! Start the day off with something that makes you laugh and puts you in a good mood. -Spread the laughter. All day, try to make as many other people laugh as you can, even if it means being more silly than you're used to. -Wear some pink in honor of Pinkie Pie who represents the Element of Laughter. Depending on what you wear you might spread some laughter just with your clothes. -Cupcakes! Make and share cupcakes with family and friends. -Being Pinkie Pie themed, if you want to throw a party do it! Remember the blue and yellow balloons. Oh, and STREAMERS! -Face you fears! If you can do it safely, take Granny Pie's advice and try to overcome some fear you have. Giggle at that ghostie! Don't be upset if you don't succeed, it's laughter day after all. Besides, trying counts. -Candy! Lots of it, if you want. Take care and have a Happy LAUGHTER DAY!"

    Monday, 06-Jun-11 19:14:35 UTC from web
    1. @pinkiederp okie dokie lokie thanks well pinkie pie is my facorite pony anyways so yeah

      Monday, 06-Jun-11 19:16:48 UTC from web
    2. @pinkiederp now I did understand that... then why did I just explain to theawesomepony what FYI meant :o #

      Monday, 06-Jun-11 19:16:53 UTC from web