


    Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:03:40 UTC from web
    1. @purplephish20 The olympics? are you watching it?

      Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:04:13 UTC from web
      1. @rdnsbronykid everyone on this f****** timeline is

        Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:04:34 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 I'm not.

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:05:18 UTC from web
        2. @purplephish20 your just bonkers. but im just free.

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:05:48 UTC from web
        3. @purplephish20 wat, the opening cerimony doesn't air here until 6:30 u must be british.

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:07:34 UTC from web
          1. @iluvzfluttershy They're airing it right now. Everywhere.

            Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:08:04 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos not here! one channel gets the olympics here NBC, channel guide says 6:30 Central time, show thats on right now is Doctor Phil.

              Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:12:06 UTC from web
              1. @iluvzfluttershy What's central time in GMT? Also, that sucks.

                Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:12:41 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos GMT? are you in europe?

                  Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:14:38 UTC from web
                  1. @iluvzfluttershy No, but that's +/-0, so it's easier to convert. I don't even know what "central time" is.

                    Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:15:13 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos New York = Eastern Standard Time, Chicago = Central Standard time, Denver = Mountain time (or whatevr its called), Los Angeles = Pacific Standard time ...... simple

                      Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:17:28 UTC from web
                      1. @iluvzfluttershy How am I supposed to know what time is it in any of those places without GMT reference?

                        Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:18:07 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos its 4:19 PM or (16:19) by me in Central standard time

                          Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:20:10 UTC from web
                          1. @iluvzfluttershy That's GMT-6 I think.

                            Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:23:00 UTC from web
                            1. @nerthos oke

                              Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:23:50 UTC from web
                      2. @iluvzfluttershy Also, the only two states of the USA I could point on a map are Texas and Alaska.

                        Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:18:52 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos not Florida?

                          Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:19:22 UTC from web
                          1. @lyrica My dad said something about it being near to Cuba.

                            Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:19:48 UTC from web
                            1. @nerthos bottom right corner

                              Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:23:17 UTC from web
                              1. @lyrica Yeah, near Cuba.

                                Friday, 27-Jul-12 21:23:53 UTC from web