but where can i got to contribute to the brony community, i mean im not that good at drawing but i am awesome at coming up with ideas/improvements for things, i mean you can give me an suggestion, and i can improve upon it really well, what im saying is that im more of an ideas kinda guy anyone got a idea to help with my question?
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:42:47 UTC from web-
@masterblaster3 I'd say editor, but I dunno. Most editors I know are authors in their own right too.
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:44:28 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
@masterblaster3 Have you ever tried writing?
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:46:35 UTC from web-
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:46:57 UTC from web
@cajunbrony23 hai
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:47:48 UTC from web-
@iluvzfluttershy ello
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:48:20 UTC from web-
@cajunbrony23 hows it go
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:49:44 UTC from web-
@iluvzfluttershy it gose ok
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:54:02 UTC from web-
@cajunbrony23 good
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:55:04 UTC from web-
@iluvzfluttershy eeyup
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:56:03 UTC from web-
@cajunbrony23 Thinking of moving to chicago
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:57:05 UTC from web-
@iluvzfluttershy good movie
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:59:20 UTC from web-
@cajunbrony23 good movie? no i mean move to chicago ........ by myself
Monday, 30-Jul-12 01:00:15 UTC from web-
@iluvzfluttershy oh lol
Monday, 30-Jul-12 01:02:22 UTC from web-
@cajunbrony23 @purplephish20 crap sorry guys gotta go, night.
Monday, 30-Jul-12 01:03:34 UTC from web
@dlcentaur i got terrible handwriting, but i mean i can make up for it in typing and im creative too
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:54:04 UTC from web-
@masterblaster3 That's what matters. :3
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:55:23 UTC from web-
@dlcentaur yep
Monday, 30-Jul-12 01:08:26 UTC from web
@masterblaster3 well, maybe you could star drawing?
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:49:52 UTC from web-
@mushi like i said im not that good at drawing
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:54:20 UTC from web-
@masterblaster3 Only one way to get better.
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:54:40 UTC from web-
@eaglehooves you do have a pointbut im probably not going to be drawing anything
Monday, 30-Jul-12 01:07:47 UTC from web
@masterblaster3 well, you should start somewhere
Monday, 30-Jul-12 00:55:07 UTC from web-
@mushi i am a poetic person i mean i can make great poems and like i said earlier im an ideas man
Monday, 30-Jul-12 01:08:19 UTC from web