

  1. !zelda Confession: I really don't see what makes Majora's Mask better than Ocarina of Time. Not that I don't like it, but after playing it for a good while I would still say I prefer OoT. I'm gonna guess it's just a nostalgia thing, seeing as I pretty much grew up with OoT, but was only exposed to MM within the last couple of months. Also, I now have just one mask left to get, not including FD.

    Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:00:29 UTC from web
    1. @ecmc Deeper characters, darker atmosphere, implicit horrors of the largely unsettling, dying world...

      Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:03:05 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin This I did notice... and forgot to mention actually, that it is in general a lot darker. Just yesterday I learned that this is the only game in the series in which you can flat-out murder a genuine human character, I think. Also it is better in general at giving feels... like the song of healing and that "6 hours remaining" music which I absolutely love, as well as the scene when Anju and Kafei meet again ;_;

        Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:11:13 UTC from web
        1. @ecmc And that's why a lot of folks prefer it. It brings little to the table gameplay-wise, but it is a lot denser than OOT and makes you feel for the characters much more.

          Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:15:25 UTC from web
        2. @ecmc OoT was a bit too shallow when regarding interactions. It's true that you played the world-saving hero, yes, but all the characters just came and went away without much repercussion. Instead in MM, you really get touched by the characters and the atmosphere of the game. Everything feels more conected and close, and it's far more immersive. Everything is dying, and you can feel it happening around you. The characters really look like they're going through the end, not just watching it. The darker parts really get to you, and the cheerful moments make you happy. And some of the fights are a bit hard, and Majora know how to kick your butt. In OoT Ganondorf was so incredibly easy in that last battle that it ended up ruining the game experience IMO.

          Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:23:32 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Majora is major-league easy if you've got the Fierce Deity mask.

            Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:25:25 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin Some kid beat me up with a deku stick.

              Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:26:30 UTC from web
              1. @hugmaster Weaaaaaksauce.

                Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:27:09 UTC from web
                1. @thelastgherkin Until they made the stick weaker in future versions of the game (gamecube version and virtual console)

                  Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:28:29 UTC from web
                  1. @hugmaster Could be worse. Agahnim could be hit with a butterfly net. Ganondorf could, once, be attacked with a glass bottle, and later on lower his defences when you cast your fishing rod at him.

                    Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:36:31 UTC from web
            2. @thelastgherkin Everything is major-league easy with Fierce Deitity. But obtaining FD is actually way harder than defeating Majora. FD is that game-breaking bonus weapon awarded for completing the game at 100%.

              Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:27:36 UTC from web
          2. @nerthos Thinking about it now, I can understand why it's better. It's just that like I said, OoT has been with me for most of my life, and I guess I feel like I would be... betraying it, or something if I suddenly decided something else was my all-time favourite. Not only that, but I'd imagine that MM would have had a much stronger effect on me had I played it as a kid, because of all the extensive darkness and deepness and stuff. I dunno, I might just have to let OoT share it's top spot with MM, and they can be my TWO favourite games :P

            Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:30:33 UTC from web
            1. @ecmc I'm playing OoT for the first time *ever* right long as i keep it in the context of it being nintendo's first *ever* zelda game in 3D, i can overlook any faults i find so far :)

              Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:31:42 UTC from web
            2. @ecmc I actually played MM first. I liked the RPG element of OoT, and I would had liked to be able to make Link stronger in MM. Originally adult Link was going to be included as one of the transformations, but it was later replaced by Fierce Deitity, they even share some of the sound files. OoT had a longer "main quest" and I loved that, and the Biggoron's sword quest, but MM had what OoT lacked, lots of subquests.

              Friday, 03-Aug-12 16:38:57 UTC from web