

  1. Hi

    Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:14:15 UTC from web
    1. @doates hi

      Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:14:57 UTC from web
      1. @largist @doates hi

        Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:15:26 UTC from web
        1. @bluetearainbowdash How goes it?

          Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:17:15 UTC from web
          1. @doates playing skyrim right now and playing fighting is magic later how about you ?

            Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:18:07 UTC from web
            1. @bluetearainbowdash Wait the demo for it is out now?

              Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:20:02 UTC from web
              1. @doates is demo if you want it add me on skype i can pass you the rar file

                Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:21:29 UTC from web
                1. @bluetearainbowdash I don't have a skype. Could you email it to me?

                  Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:24:44 UTC from web
                  1. @doates erm you can just torrent it

                    Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:26:40 UTC from web
      2. @largist The time line is so slow at this hour.

        Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:16:01 UTC from web
        1. @doates yeah

          Saturday, 04-Aug-12 14:16:26 UTC from web