

  1. @Arachnidsgrip I summon thee.

    Friday, 17-Aug-12 16:50:12 UTC from web
    1. @anarchycarcino I summon TEARS OF JOY AND ANGST

      Friday, 17-Aug-12 16:51:53 UTC from web
      1. @killerkiwi117 I summon Dark Magician.

        Friday, 17-Aug-12 16:56:47 UTC from web
        1. @anarchycarcino you need to tribute 2 monsters to summon dark magician

          Friday, 17-Aug-12 16:57:20 UTC from web
          1. @mushi Ehhh.... @Redenchilada and @Ceruleanspark.

            Friday, 17-Aug-12 16:58:11 UTC from web
            1. @anarchycarcino that wll do it

              Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:01:05 UTC from web
          2. @mushi I have 2 dark magicians. :3 And I don't even play Yu-gi-ho anymore.

            Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:00:03 UTC from web
            1. @nixter i never liked dark magician

              Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:00:31 UTC from web
              1. @mushi I have Relinquished. :3

                Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:02:52 UTC from web
                1. @nixter that is cool, reliquished is cool and easier to summon than most of the ritual monsters

                  Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:03:50 UTC from web
                  1. @mushi I have Vampire Genesis. :3

                    Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:04:44 UTC from web
                    1. @nixter hm... i remember this name, but not the card.

                      Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:05:16 UTC from web
                      1. @mushi He has 3000 attack and 2100 defence and he can make you raise zombies from the graveyard if you sacrifice another zombie card iirc.

                        Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:08:04 UTC from web
                        1. @nixter oh, these zombies always have these reviving effects

                          Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:09:07 UTC from web
                          1. @mushi Oh. Whoops.

                            Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:10:21 UTC from web
                  2. @mushi he also balances out the card disadvantage inherent in ritual summoning by sucking up an enemy monster.

                    Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:09:10 UTC from web
                    1. @crusader8 well, at least one ritual monster needs to make it up for being a paint to summon

                      Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:14:05 UTC from web
        2. @anarchycarcino I summon "Castlevania!"

          Friday, 17-Aug-12 16:58:00 UTC from web
          1. @killerkiwi117 What is a man!

            Friday, 17-Aug-12 16:59:28 UTC from web
            1. @anarchycarcino A pile of lies?

              Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:00:00 UTC from web
              1. @killerkiwi117 A miserable pile od secrets!

                Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:00:57 UTC from web
    2. @anarchycarcino 8luh what?

      Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:39:01 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @arachnidsgrip Don't you bluh me missy, I miss you. <3

        Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:49:17 UTC from web
        1. @anarchycarcino This place is too 8oring and predict8ble now that everyone gets along. And what's this, you're Panty now?

          Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:55:16 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @arachnidsgrip Yes, because I'm a giant whore. Shouldn't that be obvious?

            Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:56:02 UTC from web
            1. @anarchycarcino Define 'giant whore;

              Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:57:17 UTC from web
              1. @nixter *'

                Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:57:26 UTC from web
              2. @nixter Sex.

                Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:57:42 UTC from web
                1. @anarchycarcino Well, duh. But like on what level.

                  Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:58:08 UTC from web
                  1. @nixter Next level fluzie tactics.

                    Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:58:37 UTC from web
                    1. @anarchycarcino Cheap fluzie prehaps?

                      Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:59:28 UTC from web
                      1. @nixter *perhaps

                        Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:59:34 UTC from web
                      2. @nixter Not for you.

                        Friday, 17-Aug-12 17:59:53 UTC from web
                        1. @anarchycarcino ffs every time...

                          Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:00:52 UTC from web
            2. @anarchycarcino ... And th8t you're not cool enough to 8e either of the demon sisters.

              Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:03:28 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @arachnidsgrip Shut up! They are moral, I don't do morality and rules. Anarchy baby.

                Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:04:22 UTC from web
                1. @anarchycarcino 8ut it's more fun when there are rules to 8reak.

                  Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:11:23 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @arachnidsgrip Then let the others make the rules.

                    Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:11:54 UTC from web
                    1. @anarchycarcino I'll m8kes the rules and rule over all. :::;)

                      Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:25:07 UTC from StatusNet Android
                      1. @arachnidsgrip I'm sure you would like that, but any rule you make I will totally break.

                        Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:25:59 UTC from web
                        1. @anarchycarcino RRRRRRUURRRRUUUU

                          Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:29:26 UTC from StatusNet Android
                          1. @arachnidsgrip NO. I'm tired still, I think I might go back to bed actually. :(

                            Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:30:15 UTC from web
                            1. @anarchycarcino Too 8ad just as I was a8out to lay down all my RRRRRRUURRRRUUUUs

                              Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:33:30 UTC from StatusNet Android
                              1. @arachnidsgrip Save them for later <3

                                Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:34:16 UTC from web
                  2. @arachnidsgrip T1CK T0CK 8R8K rules

                    Friday, 17-Aug-12 18:13:17 UTC from web