

  1. I just dont get why people crave iDevices for their "simplicity", yet totally overlook Ice Cream Sandwich, and even Windows Phone 7...the simplest Mobile OS i've ever seen xD

    Thursday, 23-Aug-12 14:37:36 UTC from web
    1. @cavatina Well there's one thing iOS has going for it, and that's quality control. Android Market compared to the Apple Store is like... :/

      Thursday, 23-Aug-12 14:40:12 UTC from web
      1. @purple I disagree. Especially since the rollout of ICS... Originally it was pretty bad, but the number of quality apps is rocketing now, you only find the bad if you go looking for it now luckily.

        Thursday, 23-Aug-12 14:42:52 UTC from web
        1. @cavatina Or if you're looking for stuff you can't find any decent apps for on iOS either (like MPD clients, dammit, why don't phones have good MPD clients?)

          Thursday, 23-Aug-12 14:54:22 UTC from web
          1. @omni ? I used this one...was good.

            Thursday, 23-Aug-12 14:56:34 UTC from web
            1. @cavatina I don't like my music being sorted unlogically. is pretty nice, but the latest version (which I accidentally installed using FDroid) is so buggy... :(

              Thursday, 23-Aug-12 14:58:45 UTC from web
              1. @omni Find an older APK then, it's one of the many wonders xD

                Thursday, 23-Aug-12 15:01:09 UTC from web
                1. @cavatina I'm too lazyyyy~ Q.Q

                  Thursday, 23-Aug-12 15:01:55 UTC from web
                  1. @omni Just search for the app, the build version, and then apk. You'd be suprised what you find :3

                    Thursday, 23-Aug-12 15:03:40 UTC from web
                    1. @cavatina I can uninstall it and use the Google Market one, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm too lazy Q.Q

                      Thursday, 23-Aug-12 15:04:37 UTC from web
      2. @purple I just find for every bad app, theres 10 good ones now...and as for ICS/JB only apps, i'm yet to find a bad one, so idk xD

        Thursday, 23-Aug-12 14:43:42 UTC from web
    2. @cavatina Because not all ICS devices were good. Apple makes great hardware, while many Android devices are extremely underpowered and buggy thanks to idiot OEMs. My TF101 was virtually unusable thanks to a massive bug that caused random reboots. Also, iOS is simple in that it's one line of devices, while Android devices are so fragmented that most normal users give up after a while. I'm moving to Android, but I can see why people are sticking to iOS as well. (Also, the Android community can be a little too... vocal... in some cases, scaring off potential new users.)

      Thursday, 23-Aug-12 14:57:01 UTC from at 34°45'1"N 92°30'1"W