

  1. i have to say being a brony has completely changed my life for the better. i use to be mad all the time especially when it seems like everything is falling apart. if it wernt for mlp: fim, rdn, and the whole brony comunity i wouldnt have known how to find happiness even during tough times so thank you everyone i know this my sound sappy but thanks to everyone i can say my life has changed for the better and i feel way more positive than i was before. ^_^

    Thursday, 30-Aug-12 06:31:35 UTC from web
    1. @xvinylscratchx son. I am proud

      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 06:34:31 UTC from web
      1. @firestormdangerdash yeah iv changed alot from what i use to be. but i think the big thing that hit home for me was after reading "my little dashie"

        Thursday, 30-Aug-12 06:38:45 UTC from web
        1. @xvinylscratchx i just red blac and whight and its prity deep for as short as it is

          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 06:42:14 UTC from web
        2. @xvinylscratchx Why cant i repeat this more!?

          Thursday, 30-Aug-12 06:46:11 UTC from web
    2. @xvinylscratchx Give it a few months and you'll be deeper in that first pit.

      Thursday, 30-Aug-12 06:38:52 UTC from web