

  1. if yall want to read about the dream i had heres the link to it., i managed to write it down as soon as i woke up so i could share it with others later

    Sunday, 02-Sep-12 04:16:41 UTC from web
    1. @xvinylscratchx HOLY CHROME we have FORUMS here!? D:

      Sunday, 02-Sep-12 04:17:34 UTC from web
      1. @scribus yeah its where i usally post stuff if its too wordy for here

        Sunday, 02-Sep-12 04:20:37 UTC from web
        1. @xvinylscratchx I feel like, as both a mod and as a jackass who's been here since day 1, I should have known about this sooner.

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 04:21:13 UTC from web
          1. @scribus in fact it was the forum which lead me to here ^_^

            Sunday, 02-Sep-12 04:22:45 UTC from web
        2. @xvinylscratchx Yep, that's usually what forums are for, right? Correct me if I'm wrong.

          Sunday, 02-Sep-12 04:22:28 UTC from web