

  1. Thanks everypony for the welcomes. I've actually been part of the herd for a while now *looks at rainbow dash shirt*, but I just made this account today :P

    Tuesday, 14-Jun-11 19:13:32 UTC from web
    1. @dashie Funny, we had a conversation about RainbowDash t-shirts, actually MLP t-shirts in all.

      Tuesday, 14-Jun-11 19:14:19 UTC from web
    2. @dashie Well then, I suppose the correct thing to say then would be welcome to RainbowDash ;) - How'd you find My Little Pony?

      Tuesday, 14-Jun-11 19:14:51 UTC from web
      1. @haganbmj My friend was telling me about it, he eventually showed me some episodes and I became a brony :D @gentlegiant Lol that's ironic :P

        Tuesday, 14-Jun-11 19:18:52 UTC from web
        1. @dashie :D That's the best, having another person who watches the show.

          Tuesday, 14-Jun-11 19:20:13 UTC from web
    3. @dashie Helloooooo newpony! :D

      Tuesday, 14-Jun-11 19:15:59 UTC from web