

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @pyravia I like you far too much

      Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 02:03:07 UTC from web
    2. @pyravia Keep my inner child happy and there will be lots of love to share!

      Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 02:05:13 UTC from web
    3. @pyravia I witnessed what life was when I was really yound. So I used that knowledge to shape me in someone who actually has always been in line of the Brony code of love and tolerate, etc, since I was young.

      Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 02:11:01 UTC from web
    4. @pyravia well if you have an xbox, you could add me if you like.

      Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 02:14:16 UTC from web
    5. @pyravia Thats not fair

      Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 02:17:42 UTC from web
    6. @pyravia I know why too. It's cool.

      Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 02:18:11 UTC from web
    7. @pyravia Yes. I KNOW AND SEE ALL. Please stand by.

      Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 02:20:40 UTC from web
    8. @pyravia

      Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 02:23:36 UTC from web