

  1. Let's see if a second Chrome profile solves this. Can you post as yourself, @jadenman7? Try relogging and let's see if we can stay in our proper accounts.

    Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 17:02:03 UTC from web
    1. @nerthos >clear cookies

      Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 17:03:53 UTC from web
    2. @nerthos ya sure why not

      Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 17:04:39 UTC from web
      1. @jadenman7 Ok, we both need to clear RDN cookies and this will be solved.

        Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 17:05:25 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos I just logout and log back in as me

          Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 17:06:19 UTC from web
          1. @jadenman7 Yeah, but I'm still logged as you in my usual Chrome profile. If I relog there, you become me.

            Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 17:07:12 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos I am using a tablet if that has to do with any thing

              Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 17:09:33 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos I don't think so. Relog.

                Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 17:10:11 UTC from web