

  1. O_o A fruit tree just gave me 150 cherries in one go, just for talking to it. !glitch

    Thursday, 06-Sep-12 02:59:30 UTC from web
    1. @bitshift O_o

      Thursday, 06-Sep-12 03:02:25 UTC from web
    2. @bitshift I'll start talking to trees more often. #

      Thursday, 06-Sep-12 03:04:19 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos I need to remember that hashtag.

        Thursday, 06-Sep-12 03:05:34 UTC from web
      2. @nerthos Well, you can only talk to trees/animals when they say "Hey <name>, talk to me!" or similar. But yeah, definitely don't ignore the ones that do - firstly, their stories are fun little things, and secondly, stuff like that 150 cherries is pretty neat.

        Thursday, 06-Sep-12 03:05:47 UTC from web
        1. @bitshift I've gotten sums of up to 300 iMG from one, but never 150 cherries..

          Thursday, 06-Sep-12 03:10:11 UTC from web
        2. @bitshift Yeah, I never ignore them, but they don't talk too often either.

          Thursday, 06-Sep-12 03:11:42 UTC from web