

  1. Okay do i want to know what this picture was of or am i better off just forgetting about it?

    Saturday, 18-Jun-11 02:11:13 UTC from web
    1. @madflavors Move along.

      Saturday, 18-Jun-11 02:11:48 UTC from web
      1. @starshine done and done.

        Saturday, 18-Jun-11 02:13:17 UTC from web
      2. @starshine What's been going on? I hear I missed some stuff goin down.

        Saturday, 18-Jun-11 02:13:35 UTC from web
        1. @loak Well, after learning that someone hit and possibly killed a dog down the street from me, I come back to RDN for some cheering-up and am instead greeted with a level of animal cruelty that even 4chan decided was inappropriate. I'm going to watch a bunch of Fluttershy now, alone, and then go to bed.

          Saturday, 18-Jun-11 02:15:08 UTC from web
          1. @starshine: That's horrible. :< *Hugs* Here's to hoping tomorrow's a better one. Later!

            Saturday, 18-Jun-11 02:18:44 UTC from Gwibber
          2. @starshine im so sorry.....o know that really doesn't make it any better but im still really sorry.

            Saturday, 18-Jun-11 02:23:43 UTC from web
          3. @starshine !hugs for you, Star. Here's to a better day tomorrow <3

            Saturday, 18-Jun-11 02:32:31 UTC from web
            1. @retl @madflavors @magicrussia

              Saturday, 18-Jun-11 16:07:37 UTC from web
              1. @starshine Having a better day, then~?

                Saturday, 18-Jun-11 16:11:58 UTC from web
                1. @magicrussia I suppose. I haven't *done* anything yet, but then again, I wasn't planning to either.

                  Saturday, 18-Jun-11 16:13:42 UTC from web
                  1. @starshine Ahh, relaxation is good c:

                    Saturday, 18-Jun-11 16:19:09 UTC from web
        2. @loak whats up loak?

          Saturday, 18-Jun-11 02:17:59 UTC from web
    2. @madflavors If you're referring to @moof, then yes, you probably should just forget it. He's just trollin'.

      Saturday, 18-Jun-11 02:13:43 UTC from web