

  1. I've been searching around the web and I seem to find a lot of topics on how Rainbow Dash and/or other ponies are gay and that disheartens me to see this show get sexualized so much when there is no basis for it except for other imposing that type of thing into a show like this. I mean I know there are people out there do who that because they are overly sexual themselves, but it's everywhere and I can't go a few pages without seeing some picture or video on the topic. Why can't there be at least some innocence left in the world?

    Saturday, 18-Jun-11 20:05:38 UTC from web
    1. @shadowblast I'd like to intervene here and say just because some people consider a character to be homosexual doesn't mean that they're overtly sexualised. Rainbow Dash is just as innocent if you think her gay as she is if you think her straight.

      Saturday, 18-Jun-11 20:07:41 UTC from web
      1. @earflaps I just think of her as awesome.

        Saturday, 18-Jun-11 20:08:48 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      2. @earflaps That's what I saw, not what I think. I just want the whole subject avoided, but people seem to want to drag everything under by putting topics where they need not be.

        Saturday, 18-Jun-11 20:10:27 UTC from web
        1. @shadowblast That's the Internet for you.

          Saturday, 18-Jun-11 20:11:48 UTC from web
    2. @shadowblast A lot of it isn't more sexual than Rarity fawning over Prince Blueblood, cutesy stuff. Just because it's gay doesn't make it overly sexualized.

      Saturday, 18-Jun-11 20:09:54 UTC from web
    3. @shadowblast Because shippers gonna ship.

      Saturday, 18-Jun-11 20:10:27 UTC from web
    4. @greydragon412 At the very least there should be a quick and easy way to block unwarranted things if there isn't going to be regulation on the matter. If not for everyone, at least for those who wish to avoid unnecessary "items"

      Saturday, 18-Jun-11 20:16:53 UTC from web
      1. @shadowblast It's the Internet. There's no such thing as regulation.

        Saturday, 18-Jun-11 20:19:46 UTC from web