

  1. Some lore about Kat’s father, the late Peter Matthew Reynolds:

    He grew up poor in Denver, Colorado in the 80s and 90s. His father was an Irish immigrant who ran a pub downtown, and his mother left the family when he was young. Kat has never met her grandparents, and for good reason: Peter’s father was an abusive alcoholic who kicked him out when he was 16, after he impregnated the local media heiress, Katrina Analisse, Kat’s mother.

    Peter’s childhood best friend was Clarence, the Twin Souls preacher. When Peter and his new family eventually moved to Virginia, Clarence visited often, and in the late 2000s, the two of them along with Mo formed a trio of inseparable friends.

    Friday, 27-Jan-23 06:57:00 UTC from web
    1. At home, though, things were not great. Though he tried his best to provide for his new family after Kat’s birth in the late 90s, Peter was mentally ill, and his condition was exasperated by post-traumatic stress, developed as a result of his time in the military in the early 2000s during the US-led War in Turaqistan. After he was discharged for disobeying a direct order - he was ultimately unable to kill a disarmed insurgent who surrendered during a skirmish - he returned home a broken man, and often lashed out physically at his wife. They divorced when Kat was 12, and he passed away when she was 14. He’s buried in the Nova County Cemetery on the outskirts of town. Kat hasn’t been to see him since he died.

      Friday, 27-Jan-23 06:59:06 UTC from web
      1. Having died young, Peter left behind a cast of characters who are approaching middle age that Kat has to interact with increasingly frequently starting in her mid twenties, when suddenly a bunch of sitcom plots start happening to her for seemingly no reason except that we’re watching now.

        Friday, 27-Jan-23 07:01:25 UTC from web