

  1. just started watching my little pony this week. looking through all of the old forums is like looking through a museum of ancient artifacts (/j)
    all of the abandoned accounts, all of the creations made with such love, never to be updated on. it makes me wonder where they all are now.
    but you guys are still here sorta! what have you guys been doing? (keep it sfw please, im a minor)

    about 3 days ago from web
    1. @grim People like new things. People get bored. People go on. People's lives change unexpectedly. The MLP G4 hype is over for a long time and the stories of Maretime Bay (G5?) don't grab as much attention. The media landscape has also changed as the general audience's taste. I've been in many forums that just fizzle out and essentially die due to inactivity. Sometimes there is a hard core of people that keep things going.
      I read the MLP comics and watch the new stuff. I have stopped engaging by seeking out discussions and creating fan art. I ain't time for that anymore.
      I'm here just to hang out and rant about my life.

      about 3 days ago from web