

  1. Good morning EverPONY :)

    Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:00:26 UTC from web
    1. @whiterose good morning!

      Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:00:35 UTC from web
    2. @whiterose everypony*

      Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:00:48 UTC from web
      1. @whiterose Oh, hi you hugs x.x

        Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:02:31 UTC from web
        1. @omni Sup?

          Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:03:05 UTC from web
          1. @whiterose Could be better, could be worse x.x

            Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:04:20 UTC from web
            1. @omni @whiterose You?>

              Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:04:26 UTC from web
          2. @whiterose doing anything?

            Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:05:07 UTC from web
            1. @mushi @omni I am alright and just getting ready to go to work actually. I am there but I don't start driving till eleven o'clock

              Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:07:10 UTC from web
              1. @whiterose Okay, see you later x.x

                Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:07:53 UTC from web
    3. @whiterose oh good morning to you whiterose.

      Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:01:04 UTC from web
      1. @bronyforlife @mushi Nice to see you guys :)

        Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:01:35 UTC from web
        1. @whiterose how are you?

          Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:01:57 UTC from web
          1. @bronyforlife I am well, and yourself?

            Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:02:23 UTC from web
            1. @whiterose i'm good have to go through another day of school. i am wearing my brony shirt today.

              Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:03:08 UTC from web
              1. @bronyforlife School was always boring for me as well. I did however miss it when I graduated, I kinda had a cry over it ... People call me oversensitive, but I say I am sensitive enough :)

                Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:05:07 UTC from web
                1. @whiterose when i graduated elementary school (I'm in tenth grade now) I thought I wouldn't miss it. then i got home.

                  Tuesday, 02-Oct-12 14:06:33 UTC from web