

  1. Also, hello people!

    Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:09:25 UTC from web
    1. @cavatina hi :D

      Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:10:04 UTC from web
      1. @neurario :3 How are ya?

        Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:11:05 UTC from web
        1. @cavatina I'm good :D Thinking about starting a new LP, I feel like playing something old but I dunno what ^^;

          Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:16:10 UTC from web
          1. @neurario Well, how about work it out like I do? :3

            Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:18:32 UTC from web
            1. @cavatina how so? :o

              Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:19:03 UTC from web
              1. @neurario Well~ First you work out which generation you grew up with (games wise), then which of those games makes you the most nostalgic while playing :3

                Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:38:35 UTC from web
                1. @cavatina That would be the N64 then I guess... I wish I hadn't already played Blast Corps then, loved that game XD

                  Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:46:05 UTC from web
                  1. @neurario Then go for the next best thing :3, it's what I always do when i'm lost for ideas. It guarantees familiarity with the game, meaning a good LP :3

                    Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:46:53 UTC from web
    2. @cavatina Hai! #

      Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:13:47 UTC from web
      1. @dlcentaur Hello~!

        Sunday, 07-Oct-12 09:16:01 UTC from web