wonder why we are all here.
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:29:11 UTC from web-
@stumpy ooo where can i play that?
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:29:40 UTC from web-
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:29:51 UTC from web
@stumpy frak. someone stole my username.
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:31:33 UTC from web-
@jojoax Tell me when you get on and get it working
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:32:45 UTC from web-
@stumpy k will do. just need to think of a whole new user name.
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:34:27 UTC from web-
@jojoax That's just your username, not your trainer name.
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:34:55 UTC from web-
@stumpy full server derp :P
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:46:40 UTC from web-
@jojoax Just wait for the Queue
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:47:19 UTC from web-
@stumpy Im in :D Jojoax is my chars name
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:55:07 UTC from web-
@jojoax My trainer name is Stumperman
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 20:00:47 UTC from web
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:36:13 UTC from web
@pony It is awesome.
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:36:59 UTC from web -
Wednesday, 10-Oct-12 19:37:09 UTC from web
@pony it's a little rough, but fun