

  1. Morning RDN ^^ how is everypony today?

    Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 14:42:10 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @nutterguy Doing fine!. Morning= delightful

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 14:43:22 UTC from web
    2. @nutterguy hiya bro! I'm good, yourself? :D

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 14:44:40 UTC from web
      1. @puckwimbledonishere @gentlegiant just made myself breakfast, so its a good morning so far :)

        Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 14:51:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @nutterguy now I'm hungry, I only got to have a protein shake for breakfast. I'll have something when i get home... Maybe bacon.

          Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 14:53:16 UTC from web
          1. @gentlegiant bacon is always worth the wait.

            Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 14:57:00 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @nutterguy yes, but I eat it every day, I should be dead.

              Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 15:00:44 UTC from web
              1. @gentlegiant I am jelly.

                Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 15:02:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              2. @gentlegiant At least you'd die happy.

                Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 15:03:17 UTC from web
                1. @earflaps Yes, yes i would @nutterguy I would be too.

                  Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 15:05:35 UTC from web
                  1. @gentlegiant If I knew that tomorrow would be my last day alive, I would only eat bacon and chocolate.

                    Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 15:06:46 UTC from web
                    1. @earflaps I'm already set for that.

                      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 15:08:18 UTC from web
        2. @nutterguy #

          Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 14:53:20 UTC from web
    3. @nutterguy Hey! Great. Better than most mornings. Yourself?

      Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 14:53:28 UTC from web
      1. @drewdle not bad so far. not much has happened yet xD

        Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 14:58:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @nutterguy For awhile Celestia was blasting my house with her sunrise, so much so I couldn't sleep, so I got up. It was pretty, but unexpected. I'm making breakfast too.

          Wednesday, 22-Jun-11 15:00:12 UTC from web