

  1. Work in progress

    Sunday, 14-Oct-12 22:05:46 UTC from Choqok
    1. @broniebrown Dem clouds...

      Sunday, 14-Oct-12 22:06:30 UTC from web
      1. @moonprincess I'm working right now to improve the fluffyness of the clouds. I think they don't look real enough

        Sunday, 14-Oct-12 22:07:37 UTC from Choqok
        1. @broniebrown They look a lot better than anything I can do. @redenchilada I just thought it was amusing.

          Sunday, 14-Oct-12 22:07:53 UTC from web
          1. @moonprincess View photos, analyse photos, paint, repeat until the picture reaches sufficient amount of viewer satisfaction (in this case me).

            Sunday, 14-Oct-12 22:10:49 UTC from Choqok