

  1. So what database do you use. I looking for one because my friends want my to make a website for them. But I need a good database. Any suggestions

    Thursday, 18-Oct-12 04:19:37 UTC from web
    1. @risorahn Well, this current site uses MySQL as it's backend database. PostgreSQL is apparently really good too. Or so I've heard.

      Thursday, 18-Oct-12 04:20:39 UTC from web
      1. @minti Thanks I'll check them both out

        Thursday, 18-Oct-12 04:21:31 UTC from web
    2. @risorahn I suppose a truly educated answer would involve questions about what the website is supposed to be/do and what your skill level is. However, my skill level isn't enough to even pose those questions. I think I'm using MySQL on my site. Seems a pretty default answer.

      Thursday, 18-Oct-12 04:21:35 UTC from web
      1. @doctorscribus Its mainly for business purposes. Selling home made anything and what-not.

        Thursday, 18-Oct-12 04:23:45 UTC from web