Oh hi, RDN... I forgot about you. Been so busy I've not even been to EQD since yesterday morning! Aie!!
Thursday, 23-Jun-11 21:33:48 UTC from web-
@pixellatedponi Eek a whole day off EqD? q.q ~ Welcome back to the site though, I see that you've been away for a month or so.
Thursday, 23-Jun-11 21:34:59 UTC from web-
@haganbmj Yeah I got caught up in a bunch of client projects, and now my summer semester has begun. I've hardly had a chance to breathe for the last.... um, since Christmas. XD
Thursday, 23-Jun-11 21:36:11 UTC from web-
@pixellatedponi xD Summer Courses; yay! That's great though that you've caught up (to some degree!).
Thursday, 23-Jun-11 21:36:54 UTC from web-
@haganbmj Haha I figure, if everyday is as productive as yesterday was, I WILL actually catch up, and can have a real break again soonish...
Thursday, 23-Jun-11 21:40:11 UTC from web-
@pixellatedponi Yeah that'd be the way to go ~ How many orders do you have in the works?
Thursday, 23-Jun-11 21:41:06 UTC from web-
@haganbmj Orders for the OC pony drawings?
Thursday, 23-Jun-11 22:32:39 UTC from web-
@pixellatedponi Oh just in general - client projects totaled.
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:21:55 UTC from web-
@haganbmj I've got four client projects in the works, two master's candidate projects in the works, and a list of OC ponies to draw that's about ten long. Plus my own personal projects. I must be insane! :D
Friday, 24-Jun-11 06:39:12 UTC from web-
@pixellatedponi Whole host of work to do! Sounds like a great way to keep ya busy.
Friday, 24-Jun-11 18:39:24 UTC from web-
@haganbmj Haha yeah, so busy that I never have time to do anything fun! Oh wells. :D
Friday, 24-Jun-11 22:47:41 UTC from web
@abigpony Haha I do!
Thursday, 23-Jun-11 21:35:41 UTC from web -
@rinbowflsh omg i'm back
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:22:34 UTC from web -
@rinbowflsh wait what?
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:24:19 UTC from web -
@rinbowflsh Rate Photos?
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:24:44 UTC from web -
@rinbowflsh hum where?
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:25:22 UTC from web -
@rinbowflsh Sure I suppose!
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:26:04 UTC from web -
@rinbowflsh hooooooo... I like it
@rinbowflsh Pulled it up off your link to zenn, it's loading so slowly q.q
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:27:39 UTC from web-
@haganbmj @rinbowflsh Ah there we go. Looks good to me. Did you use a wide angle, or is that just the angle the buildings are really at? I'm digging the perspective and the composure (with respect to the placement of the sculpture in the frame). The one thing I might have liked to see would have been a bit more room below; you appear to have cut just the bottom lip off the sculpture off along with some of the torsos and legs of people - It's really only a bit distracting on account of the guy on the far right who I'd like to see a bit more of, he provides an alternate subject and is interesting to me based on his role in the photo.
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:30:31 UTC from web
@rinbowflsh Ahh - sounds like some great weather to be shooting in xD - You also do explain some of the arcing of the buildings, I just thought it was a cool effect but the distortion in the foreground wasn't as much as I normally see - it was staggered. It's nice ~ I don't think I've ever really tried a full panorama.. I should give that a shot some time :o
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:34:06 UTC from web -
@rinbowflsh Oh yeah - there are some really fine panoramas out there. I'm aware of a few programs as well that accomplish that. I didn't notice at all any stitching lines from the zoomed out version - looks clean to me.
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:36:39 UTC from web -
@rinbowflsh :3 Keep it up!
Friday, 24-Jun-11 04:38:29 UTC from web