

  1. @mrdragon Hey, just checking if you got any of my messages on G+~

    Friday, 19-Oct-12 17:30:48 UTC from web
    1. @cavatina Which ones?

      Friday, 19-Oct-12 17:44:11 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon Oh...about basically my account moving to a new one, to the email address I wanna stick with x3

        Friday, 19-Oct-12 17:49:34 UTC from web
        1. @cavatina Ah, can't say I have, but I usually come home from work to about 50-60 notifications, I can miss things from time to time. Not to mention my Plus is stupid and won't allow people not in my circles (or who have been before) to send me a notification, and I can't fix it too allow them again. Mines derp'd/

          Friday, 19-Oct-12 17:52:44 UTC from web
          1. @mrdragon OH. that explains it all. Right, is me now xD

            Friday, 19-Oct-12 17:56:03 UTC from web