

  1. Morning everyone~

    Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:11:27 UTC from web
    1. @scribble hullo

      Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:11:48 UTC from web
    2. @scribble Hiya! ^-^

      Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:11:50 UTC from web
    3. @scribble goodmorninghugs

      Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:13:22 UTC from web
      1. @hakupony @pony @neurario # What's up?

        Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:20:19 UTC from web
        1. @scribble I'm in a Seminar, but it will be over soon. So I might diappear every moment. Also: sleeeeeeepy...

          Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:22:21 UTC from web
          1. @hakupony So am I, but I have college today and then a small meet afterwards.

            Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:24:15 UTC from web
        2. @scribble not much. kind bored. :3

          Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:22:28 UTC from web
        3. @scribble just mixing, enjoying the night, talking with the bronies here :3

          Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:23:52 UTC from web
          1. @neurario @pony Hehe x3

            Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:25:05 UTC from web
    4. @scribble Morning! :3

      Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 08:49:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone