

  1. Good morning, ponies. :) Hope y'all had a nice weekend. :)

    Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:24:56 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @princessluna Yes, that I did, oh lovely Princess Luna. How was your weekend?

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:25:47 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @nvrrmbr Rather nice! Got shopping done, did some drawing, and got to relax. ^__^

        Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:26:59 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @princessluna That's great! Were your drawings good? Wait, that's a silly question, all your drawings are good.

          Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:28:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @nvrrmbr They were well enough. :) I have a LOT of room for improvement. :)

            Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:28:56 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @princessluna Your art is at least 120% cooler than my art.

              Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:29:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @princessluna *bows*

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:26:59 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. Hi @colfax :)

        Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:27:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    3. @princessluna Hey Luna ^_^

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:32:22 UTC from web
      1. @thedprper good morning. ^__^ or day, or evening... depending on your locale in Equestria. ;)

        Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:33:58 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @princessluna Morning. Good Whatever-O'clock to you too ^_^

          Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:35:28 UTC from web
    4. @princessluna Good morning! :) Weekend went all right. Went shopping Saturday, did some housework and mending but otherwise rested Sunday. Going to need it: this week looks like it's going to be a busy one! Anyway, I hope that you had a fun weekend, and the week ahead goes smoothly for you!

      Monday, 27-Jun-11 15:48:49 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @astra Yay, Hi Astra *pouncehug!* ^__^ Had a very nice weekend, yes. Did drawing, all that good stuff. :)

        Monday, 27-Jun-11 16:06:40 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @princessluna Eeee! *bounces around hugging back* Glad to hear that you had a good weekend! Sounds like we both did the shopping thing. That helps. *grin* And saw a few more of your drawings on EqD! Though it looks like the daily challenge is ending? *pout* Well, I hope you still keep motivated to keep practicing! Always enjoy seeing your work. :)

          Monday, 27-Jun-11 16:37:00 UTC from web