

  1. Gak Gak Gak : Click it Alright, just get it out of your systems. This post will fall to oblivion in 30 minutes. >

    Saturday, 10-Nov-12 18:20:04 UTC from Sethisto
    1. @eqdpony

      Saturday, 10-Nov-12 18:22:45 UTC from web
    2. So gak is now a forced meme....

      Saturday, 10-Nov-12 18:33:51 UTC from web
      1. @purplephish20 What the hell is gak?

        Saturday, 10-Nov-12 18:34:14 UTC from web
        1. @omni its a toy from nickelodeon

          Saturday, 10-Nov-12 18:34:44 UTC from web
        2. @omni Its like play putty kids toy that was advertised during the new episodes commercial break

          Saturday, 10-Nov-12 18:36:04 UTC from web
          1. @purplephish20 And it became a meme in three hours and we already have songs of it? I'm getting too old for the Internet, I can't keep up anymore...

            Saturday, 10-Nov-12 18:38:15 UTC from web
      2. @purplephish20 I remember when I tried to force a meme..

        Saturday, 10-Nov-12 18:34:19 UTC from web