

  1. "V'z npghnyyl bcrengvat haqre gur gurbel gung Pryrfgvn whfg qbrfa'g haqrefgnaq nal vagreiny bs gvzr bgure guna Bar Gubhfnaq Lrnef. Xvat Fbzoen jnf npghnyyl ghearq gb funqbj naq onavfurq n pbhcyr jrrxf ntb, abj gung gurer jrer svanyyl gjb ninvynoyr nyvpbea cevaprffrf ninvynoyr gb qrny jvgu uvz naq gurl pbhyqa'g guvax bs n orggre jrqqvat cerfrag sbe Pnqrapr. Gung'f nyfb jul gur Cevaprff bs gur Pelfgny Cbavrf terj hc va Pnagreybg. Fur jnf n Cevaprff-va-Rkvyr qhevat Fbzoen'f ervta. Bgure cbavrf tb nybat jvgu nyy guvf orpnhfr vs gurl qba'g Pryrfgvn jvyy fgbc pbzzvffvbavat fgnvarq-tynff jvaqbjf naq gur Pnagreybg rpbabzl jvyy pbyyncfr." -Someone from the local FB group got this from someone on FiMFiction.

    Sunday, 11-Nov-12 05:43:39 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada yea i did and it was pretty motivational but still,it is like one of those things people will never understand

      Sunday, 11-Nov-12 05:44:48 UTC from web
      1. @electroidfire In the end I personally have to say oh well. We have a great community that, if anything, has only grown stonger from the abuse of the haters.

        Sunday, 11-Nov-12 05:48:17 UTC from web
        1. @honorarycmc well its the only community i know that doesnt care who you are but as long as your a person

          Sunday, 11-Nov-12 05:49:11 UTC from web
          1. @electroidfire Exactly. The only "requirment" to be apart of it is you have to enjoy the show. Other then that, you're the same person you were before joining. Except maybe you can handle trolls a lot better afterwards lol

            Sunday, 11-Nov-12 05:52:04 UTC from web