@teriyaki Hey there, sorry I couldn't be at the meetup today, but Darcy told me that you were looking into getting a commission. You can hit up this link: for my rates and what I can do. Let me know if you're interested in anything!
Sunday, 18-Nov-12 09:43:36 UTC from web-
@ikasamabrony I'm commissioning a pair of pants off you. Green. With roses. And so many rips. They must smell of roast beef.
Sunday, 18-Nov-12 09:44:46 UTC from web-
@yodelerty :T you can rip your own pants
@ikasamabrony No worries. =P And eeyup, I would like to commission you. I actually heard about you from Noir (You know him, right?) a week ago, and he was telling me about how you're taking commissions. Specifically, I'm interested in a cute or adorable scene (could be lovey-dovey if you wish) between 2 ponies with shading, hightlights, and full background. Admittedly, I'm not sure how specific you want me to be when describing the scene itself, but I try not to be strict as to not interfere with creativity. Though... The 2 ponies I have in mind are Derpy and Noir (the unicorn). I checked with Noir, and he said he is ok with his character being used, but you may want to check with Noir again in case he changed his mind. Anyway, are you finding what I'm describing to be acceptable so far? I do have paypal, but I imagine you'd rather get actual cash from me because of the transaction fee.
Monday, 19-Nov-12 00:35:42 UTC from web-
@teriyaki I can definitely draw that up for you, I even have an idea already for how to go about drawing it. But a full shading, highlight, background, with two ponies is $25 if you didnt catch it... I dont really mind paypal or real money, whichevers easier for you.
Tuesday, 20-Nov-12 23:59:34 UTC from web-
@ikasamabrony I'm well aware of the $25+ price, and I can afford it. No problemo. =P Paying with real money would be easier for me, but... How soon would you like the payment? Do you usually take the payment before you start a commission?
Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:57:20 UTC from web-
@teriyaki I usually do take payment before I start drawing, but since I see you (usually) every other week anyway its not really much of a problem. I'll just start on yours when I have the time. (sorry I dont check RDN very often..)
Saturday, 24-Nov-12 03:58:09 UTC from web-
@ikasamabrony All right. Thank you very much, Ika. ^^ I'll have the payment for you at the next meet-up on December 1. I will also make sure to pay you in advance the next time I commission you.
Sunday, 25-Nov-12 08:33:47 UTC from web-
@dragran It's all finished and I'll have 2 prints for you tomorrow! Let me know if its satisfactory or if theres anything else you want me to add/remove before tomorrow.
Saturday, 15-Dec-12 00:52:11 UTC from web-
@ikasamabrony It's... just... so.... beautiful. I'll definitely be at the meet-up today. ^^
Saturday, 15-Dec-12 16:00:14 UTC from web
@noir You're very welcome, Noir. ^^ Though, I'm terribly sorry about the poor presentation. I probably need to have Rarity teach me the fine art of wrapping presents. ._. I'm actually heading out to BC this Wednesday, and while I have no idea how busy I'll be over there.... You can rest assure I'll know whether or not you were under the mistletoe with a certain mailmare. >.>
Sunday, 16-Dec-12 07:20:50 UTC from web