

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @juicyorange MAybe you have.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:14:34 UTC from web
    2. @juicyorange Keep going, what do you think so far?

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:16:31 UTC from web
    3. @juicyorange I know right.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:20:09 UTC from web
    4. @juicyorange Just woke up. Sitting around. Talking to my friends. What about you.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:25:40 UTC from web
    5. @juicyorange Don't give homework the satisfaction, and that would be to ignore it and continue whatever the hay you're doing.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:33:01 UTC from web
    6. @juicyorange You're a good person, you know that.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:35:12 UTC from web
    7. @juicyorange Who do you like so far?

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:38:13 UTC from web
    8. @juicyorange The Lalonde girls are very good.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:41:14 UTC from web
    9. @bubbyt20000 Jul jnf lbhe zbz va zl orq ynfg avtug WX naq lbhyy arire frr guvf naljnl UNUNUUN

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:42:38 UTC from web
      1. @camero hehe, you're evil.

        Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:45:38 UTC from web
        1. @xeleanorxrigbyx Oh I am quite devious indeed!

          Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:47:08 UTC from web
    10. @juicyorange Rose Lalaonde.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:42:50 UTC from web
      1. @anarchycarcino Oooh Rose... * drowns *

        Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:45:41 UTC from web
        1. @nerthos

          Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:47:01 UTC from web
          1. @anarchycarcino Can't get enough of her.

            Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:47:27 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos No one can.

              Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:50:23 UTC from web
    11. @bubbyt20000 You know, you should use the reply thing, otherwise it's really hard to know who you're talking to. Or at least tag your posts with @[username]

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:44:08 UTC from web
    12. @juicyorange Keep going!

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:45:07 UTC from web
    13. @juicyorange Two more days till American Thanksgiving.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:47:32 UTC from web
    14. @juicyorange What does that mean?

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:50:18 UTC from web
    15. @juicyorange Doesn't sound so bad.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:52:37 UTC from web
    16. @juicyorange Well then best of luck to your free periods. Myself, I would spend them drawing. All the draws.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 01:55:51 UTC from web
    17. @juicyorange We should be friends. Those are good things.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:00:33 UTC from web
    18. @juicyorange Draw Homestuck.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:09:49 UTC from web
    19. @juicyorange Very good. I draw all the Homestucks.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:12:01 UTC from web
    20. @juicyorange Nooooooooo

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:14:31 UTC from web
    21. @juicyorange Did this one though.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:19:03 UTC from web
    22. @juicyorange I am your father.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:21:18 UTC from web
    23. @juicyorange Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:22:33 UTC from web
    24. @juicyorange Man am I tired.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:24:27 UTC from web
    25. @juicyorange Yeah, but I feel like mangoes. My dumb brothers keep spreading their disease and I keep catching it.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:26:53 UTC from web
    26. @juicyorange It is very stupid stupid dumb. But tomorrow I shall be going to my father's again.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:29:17 UTC from web
    27. @juicyorange And I'm pretty sure you're not far enough in Homestuck.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:31:00 UTC from web
    28. @juicyorange Then get there and I shall review your inquiry.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:33:21 UTC from web
    29. @juicyorange GA<3

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:36:15 UTC from web
    30. @juicyorange She's great.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:37:12 UTC from web
    31. @juicyorange She's great, you will come to love her as I have.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:39:43 UTC from web
    32. @juicyorange Marry me.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:40:56 UTC from web
    33. @thatonestocking Go away Pony, that's a whole different level.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:42:11 UTC from web
    34. @juicyorange <3 Dave is funny, he's just bland. And does some things in the future that are not so good for me. You'll see.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:43:52 UTC from web
    35. @thatonestocking Did real Vriska put you in your place yet?

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:44:27 UTC from web
    36. @juicyorange You'll see...

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:45:05 UTC from web
    37. @thatonestocking She must have better things to do.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:46:27 UTC from web
    38. @thatonestocking She does.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:48:35 UTC from web
    39. @juicyorange When you get to ==>Descend. I think.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:49:32 UTC from web
    40. @juicyorange One of the flash pages.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:51:36 UTC from web
    41. @juicyorange Okay, it should get real now.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:56:56 UTC from web
    42. @juicyorange Noooooooooooooo Important.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:58:11 UTC from web
    43. @juicyorange

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 02:59:56 UTC from web
    44. @juicyorange It becomes important later on.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 03:02:14 UTC from web
    45. @juicyorange Pretty much everything is. I was going too skip a lot of the things and ended up not. Which is good because I would be very lost.

      Wednesday, 21-Nov-12 03:04:44 UTC from web