

  1. Entry-level positions requiring prior experience should be outlawed, and those responsible kicked in the shins once a day, every day. Just, randomly. Like, Mr. "Hurr durr, beginners need experience before they start somehow" is just going out for a coffee, and his paperboy rushes up and punts his pantleg. Mr. Hurr-Durr knows what he did wrong.

    Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 19:23:01 UTC from web
    1. @scribus Last week I saw a post advising they want 5 years experience administering Exchange 2010.

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 19:25:11 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark How do I math years!?

        Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 19:30:56 UTC from web
    2. @scribus so you support a catch-22 industry, or do you support actual certifiable task-training at college-level of education? Because companies are cheap and don't want to foot the bill for training anyone.

      Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 19:26:07 UTC from web
      1. @crusader8 I support the eradication of this "Everyone should go to college for everything ever!" attitude. What even is the point of K-12 when after 13 years nobody will hire an alleged adult who is now expected to just up and join a workforce which won't accept them until they've already been in said workforce? We've just shuffled off any applicable education to the college level while reducing the standards of education to "Can you guess at least kinda OK on a bubble-in test?"

        Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 19:30:13 UTC from web
        1. @scribus I misunderstood you completely then. And here I thought I had good reading comprehension lol

          Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 19:44:48 UTC from web
          1. @crusader8 I may have phrased it poorly, I don't exactly get my dashes peer-reviewed before hitting "Send." :P

            Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 19:45:41 UTC from web
            1. @scribus welp. Time for orks

              Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 19:48:19 UTC from web
              1. @crusader8 Sounds like a plan. I've got work, instead. Singular, and with a W in front.

                Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 19:51:08 UTC from web
                1. @scribus whatever w*orks for you, man. #

                  Tuesday, 27-Nov-12 19:53:09 UTC from web