

  1. Anyone know how spyware works? Is it instant like keylogging? Or is it possible for it to be hidden for a time without noticing and then pop out unexpectedly?

    Saturday, 09-Apr-11 05:57:04 UTC from web
    1. @anathemicone It basically runs in the background until you get it removed, constantly.

      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 05:58:32 UTC from web
      1. @flaminglight What do you mean by running in the background? You can't detect it?

        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 05:59:54 UTC from web
        1. @anathemicone You won't see it in your comp's main processes. They will slow down your comp though.

          Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:03:42 UTC from web
          1. @flaminglight Ahhh I see, guess I have to monitor my browsing more. Do you think it's possibility I might have received it from ponychan?

            Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:05:03 UTC from web
            1. @anathemicone It's plausible. I would recommend trying to get a program that can remove spy ware though if you can.

              Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:06:28 UTC from web
              1. @flaminglight I had McAfee OAS Anti-virus and well my PC got screwed up by spyware. So now I have Microsoft Essentials which might not be the best but it runs weekly scans.

                Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:11:38 UTC from web
                1. @anathemicone I just run mine whenever it seems like i should. I use Firefox with a couple kinds of protection running, so I'm pretty good in general.

                  Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:13:00 UTC from web
                  1. @flaminglight Figures, I haven't run any scans for like months, guess my apathy has finally got me back

                    Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:14:31 UTC from web
                    1. @anathemicone Oh, well, I mean, I have MS Essentials as well.

                      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:15:30 UTC from web
                      1. @flaminglight Nice, well atleast my PC is all better now (it's my baby... lol).

                        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:16:58 UTC from web
                        1. @anathemicone hehehe, aww..<33

                          Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:22:12 UTC from web
            2. @anathemicone Oh, hey, when did you get here? :3

              Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:07:42 UTC from web
              1. @angel Few minutes ago, I had to go away for a couple of hours 'cause my PC got infected by spyware and had to fix it. All good now ^^

                Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:16:17 UTC from web
                1. @anathemicone Well glad to have you back!

                  Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:16:49 UTC from web
                  1. @angel Yay, you watch the new episode?

                    Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:18:33 UTC from web
                    1. @anathemicone 3 times :3

                      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:18:56 UTC from web
                      1. @angel Hehe nice, Fluttershy is so awesome

                        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 06:20:11 UTC from web