Hey there everypony. My given name is Jason, but as a proud Tran, my preferred name is Makenzie.
My interests include anime, manga, video games, chatting on line, and of course FiM obsession! lately, I've been getting back into reading fan fiction.
Jason Welch (flaminglight)
Sorry baout the delay..IRC and all, lol..I've been good abigtrixie, and you?
Saturday, 25-Jun-11 05:07:29 UTC from web -
Ohai everypony! Sup?
@carcinopony If you say so. the amount of damage dealt moves up at a very slow rate, plus having the Sage's Stone makes healing all too easy.
@carcinopony Well, for that game, it's not too bad. Just gotta keep up.
@carcinopony Yep. DQIV's final boss has 7.
@carcinopony When you said about having 3 forms?
@carcinopony 3?1 Is that all yo?! (I meant to say this to you, but i sent it to Trixiemod by accident instead)
@carcinopony DUNDUNDUN!
@carcinopony Good, yourself? And how is everypony else? ^^
@carcinopony I remember you too.
..I keep being absent from here...Sorry ponies.
E3 discussion eh? Awesome. I saw the E3 event alter, so I could skip past stuff I don't care about much. I thought it was OKAY. I so tof have on Ubisoft's now.
Monday, 06-Jun-11 22:37:48 UTC from web -
@delc17 How are you, and everypony else so far today?
Hey ponies.
I'll chat laters, see ya everypony
Friday, 27-May-11 16:14:41 UTC from web -
@madflavors I.. just don't feel like working, as usual. More so then usual though.
@madflavors I'm fine, just hope 1 PM is held off as long as possible, mentally.
@theawesomepony A Save-A-Lot store, i'm a cashier.
@theawesomepony I have a job.
@theawesomepony Ouch. Well, best of luck!
@theawesomepony Nice. Last day of school?
@theawesomepony It's going well, yours?
@earflaps WHEE!!
@theawesomepony @haganbmj Yep yep. *Hugs back, then starts a massive group hug*
Once again, I've been quiet on here, but just wanted to come out of nowhere and say...I LOVE YOU, EVERYPONY!! BEST. FANDOM. EVER!!
@carcinopony Good night!
@zarkanorf beer is too bitter for me in my experience, never tried any of those other ones. @ carcinopony You are? wow
@carcinopony pretty much. When I do drink, it's a peach schnapps mix, or a wine cooler.
@carcinopony I've never had any in reality to tell ya the truth.