..I keep being absent from here...Sorry ponies.
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:22:33 UTC from web-
@flaminglight oh hey, I remember you!
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:23:27 UTC from web-
@carcinopony I remember you too.
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:24:05 UTC from web-
@flaminglight how are you?
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:24:35 UTC from web-
@carcinopony Good, yourself? And how is everypony else? ^^
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:25:26 UTC from web-
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:25:55 UTC from web-
@carcinopony DUNDUNDUN!
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:26:53 UTC from web-
@flaminglight I have taken over as the final un-killable boss of the RainbowDash Network. AND I HAVE THREE FORMS.
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:28:04 UTC from web-
@carcinopony Yeah, I bet the administrator might have something to say about that
@colfax hush now.
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:31:23 UTC from web
@carcinopony What? When did I die? Why didn't anypony tell me this?!
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:31:29 UTC from web-
@ignaesia the whole time I've been on this site, everyone has been absorbing carcinogens, slowly dying.
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:32:14 UTC from web-
@carcinopony You're a funny little donkey
@colfax and your a silly crash dummy.
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:33:54 UTC from web
@carcinopony fiend!
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:33:41 UTC from web-
@ignaesia dont pretend that you didnt know I was evil.
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:34:09 UTC from web-
@carcinopony To the moon with you!
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:34:53 UTC from web-
@sprinklesky I would like to see you try. miss sprinkle.
Tuesday, 21-Jun-11 19:35:24 UTC from web