

  1. "Library computers are unavailable for use" Well, nuts.

    Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:38:22 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @redenchilada Use one, yelling "I make my own rules"

      Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:39:26 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos Steam games auto download to the C: Drive, how do I change that?

        Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:46:04 UTC from web
        1. @anarchycarcino

          Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:50:18 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Rad.

            Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:50:45 UTC from web
            1. @anarchycarcino ¦3

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:52:37 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos It doesn't ask me whick folder during install.

                Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:53:57 UTC from web
                1. @anarchycarcino It should let you choose folder before downloading a game. Saw it today.

                  Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:54:41 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos Hrrrm.

                    Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:55:38 UTC from web
                  2. @nerthos Okay, so I uninstalled the games, but when I click Install again they just install back to the C: Drive.

                    Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:59:04 UTC from web
                    1. @anarchycarcino Weird. I don't know enough to guide you further. You should ask someone who uses Steam regularly, like Red.

                      Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:59:50 UTC from web
          2. @nerthos I thought you hated steam

            Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:54:49 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @redenchilada That doesn't mean I can't know how to use it.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:55:21 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos Fair enough.

                Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:56:32 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @redenchilada Also sometimes people gift me games and stuff. And some cracked games I have, Steam recognizes as original.

                  Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:57:19 UTC from web
      2. @nerthos But really, I was kinda gonna do some research in my off period so I wouldn't have so much to do at home tonight... and I didn't even bring my laptop today so I can't blow the time playing sanic or anything either. :c

        Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:46:52 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @redenchilada god forbid you socialize

          Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:51:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @abigpony My friends are either in class or driving home. We don't just hang out at the library.

            Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:53:53 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada you're making up excuses to cover the fact you don't have friends. It's okay, we all know that feel.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:55:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @abigpony Am not.

                Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:56:15 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @redenchilada we all know you too well.

                  Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:56:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        2. @redenchilada "Dear princess Celestia: Today I learned that the library administration sucks, and that I should always bring my laptop"

          Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:51:42 UTC from web
        3. @redenchilada Alternatively you can listen to country music. That's what I would do were I in Texas.

          Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:56:20 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos I don't have headphones and the library has a strict no-noise policy.

            Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:57:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @redenchilada Get a banjo and a liquor bottle. It's your culture. They can't deny you your heritage.

              Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:58:24 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos But where could I get those at this time of day?

                Thursday, 13-Dec-12 20:59:20 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @redenchilada A jolly old man with cowboy boots. There's at least one in Austin, right?

                  Thursday, 13-Dec-12 21:00:29 UTC from web