

  1. Oh no! Never! I would never even think about doing anything that would hurt the Princess! Or anypony else! And stealing? The horror!

    Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:07:04 UTC from web
    1. @fluttertree Don't you think?

      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:09:14 UTC from web
      1. @chipthe3rd It's an expression. It means I wouldn't dare to do anything bad. It might hurt somepony! Or somepony's feelings!

        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:11:28 UTC from web
        1. @fluttertree Ah, it's all right, ptitsa. I've got to be home by tonight... Do you know anypony who can assist me?

          Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:13:23 UTC from web
          1. @chipthe3rd Maybe Twilight. Or Princess Celestia. You find the Twilight in your universe and I shall request an audience with Her Majesty.

            Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:17:15 UTC from web