

  1. Rainbow Dash: dyed or natural mane?

    Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:19:18 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin Natural. Definatly.

      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:21:31 UTC from web
      1. @fluttertree You'd know better than I would! Now, what about those two streaks in Twilight Sparkle's mane?

        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:25:19 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin Most definatly natural. Twilight doen't spend to much time on her appearance so she wouldn't bother with highlights. If anypony cares enough about their mane to dye it, it would be Rarity. But she's a natural beauty so i don't know.

          Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:28:59 UTC from web
          1. @fluttertree That's a very good point! I'd ask you about Celestia's mane, but I think that might be treason...

            Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:36:38 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin Hmmm... she might. But I doubt it. She, also, is a natural beauty.

              Saturday, 09-Apr-11 14:38:49 UTC from web