

  1. !gameloft please add me. name is princessxcelestia i need hearts for quest. so yeah :P

    Monday, 17-Dec-12 02:58:27 UTC from web
    1. @cloudchaser @herbalgreen Adding you guys. I say if you wanna add folk then go right ahead. they can always just reject your request, but that's unlikely I think. Also, if you want more friend requests then I recommend joining the FB group I listed in the !gameloft group page and look for the group doc that lists everypony's GL IDs. Ad your own to the list and send requests to those already there and you'll be getting hearts like crazy. Also, you can do searches for GL users with pony names and add a bunch of friends that way too like I did.

      Wednesday, 19-Dec-12 16:35:37 UTC from web