

  1. I want the world to end tomorrow just so I don't have to sit through the "Look how smart we were for not believing in the apocalypse" circlejerk the day after.

    Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:37:40 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark wut!?

      Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:38:25 UTC from web
      1. @dashierawrz world ends tomorrow. according to the myan calendar.

        Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:39:20 UTC from web
        1. @techdisk which, like any calendar, ends only because theres another one that continues from where the previous left off.

          Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:40:26 UTC from web
        2. @techdisk sorry! the myan calendar is not God..God only knows when will the world ends

          Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:40:31 UTC from web
          1. @dashierawrz i know. The whole thing is a load of bs.

            Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:41:07 UTC from web
            1. @techdisk what is bs!?

              Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:41:26 UTC from web
              1. @dashierawrz Google is your friend.

                Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:46:16 UTC from web
          2. @dashierawrz Quoting the Mayans here: "That day is not about the world ending. We believe something interesting will happen then, not that the world will end." (Which roughly translates to: What the hell, people, do you have to be so stupid? Did you seriously think the world would end because a calendar ends? If that would be the case, we would've died on January first on the year the first calendar was made)

            Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:43:14 UTC from web
            1. @omni thanks for sharing im actually getting nervous but i see there is nothing to worry about

              Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:44:54 UTC from web
        3. @techdisk which has about as much consistency to it as me claiming the world is going to end in 2038 because that's when 32 bit epoch dates will roll over.

          Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:40:34 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark true. My real theory is that the myans rightly thought they wouldn't live this long and just ended the calendat.

            Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:42:39 UTC from web
            1. @techdisk Its "Mayan" by the way. Also, there's tonnes of Mayan tableture and stuff around with days way after the end of that particular instance of the calendar.

              Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:44:50 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark welp. Either way, we don't die.

                Thursday, 20-Dec-12 14:45:36 UTC from web