

  1. After this week, life slows down again, and I can pony an amount I find appreciable. Also have some disposable incoming coming in Friday. Pony toys will be bought.

    Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:44:33 UTC from web
    1. @engelhardt custom time?

      Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:45:25 UTC from web
      1. @kingpopadopalus I've already looked into buying replacement hair and a rerooting kit! It is something that's going to happen. This weekend also begin the hunt for an appropriate looking hat for AJ.

        Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:49:16 UTC from web
        1. @engelhardt I need to find one for my AJ. how dare hasbro do this to us as well as a pink celestia.

          Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:51:07 UTC from web
          1. @kingpopadopalus haha i had that picture as my avatar not to long ago. its such a great picture.

            Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:52:00 UTC from web
            1. @madflavors I love applebloom and apple jack. YEHAW!

              Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:54:55 UTC from web
              1. @kingpopadopalus YAY finally someone who has some respect for Applejack. she used to be my favorite but she was unseated by Derpy. still love her though

                Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:56:11 UTC from web
                1. @madflavors How can you not respect the applejack?

                  Monday, 04-Jul-11 15:58:15 UTC from web
              2. @kingpopadopalus Eff'in eh! AJ is my favourite, too. She wasn't to start, Fluttershy was, but lately I've gravitated toward AJ.

                Monday, 04-Jul-11 16:01:15 UTC from web
                1. @engelhardt She just has that charm that the other ponies don't, shes not cocky (be quiet episode 4!) yet she can handle her own.

                  Monday, 04-Jul-11 16:02:26 UTC from web