

  1. Is it snowing where you live? Isn't it so pretty?

    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 01:56:46 UTC from web
    1. @celestiaforequestria It doesn't snow in Texas. ;_;

      Sunday, 30-Dec-12 01:57:09 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada Sorry dude, but Texas is pretty neat from what I hear!

        Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:01:10 UTC from web
      2. @redenchilada it snowed in north texas

        Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:03:05 UTC from web
        1. @hayseed LUCKY.

          Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:03:32 UTC from web
          1. @redenchilada move up here lol

            Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:09:05 UTC from web
    2. @celestiaforequestria Not pretty, it freezes my car doors. ;_;

      Sunday, 30-Dec-12 01:57:14 UTC from web
      1. @bronycompany2012 Sorry about that. Could you possibly bring your car inside the house so it stays at a good temperature?

        Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:02:14 UTC from web
        1. @celestiaforequestria In the house? I don't think so.

          Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:02:46 UTC from web
          1. @bronycompany2012 But it's your car! I bet you wouldn't want it to hear you talk about it like that!

            Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:04:01 UTC from web
            1. @celestiaforequestria I love my car! >:B

              Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:04:31 UTC from web
              1. @bronycompany2012 That's better!

                Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:05:29 UTC from web
                1. @celestiaforequestria My mummies old car that I bought from her. xD

                  Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:06:21 UTC from web
                  1. @bronycompany2012 So you gotta take care of it! Is it a Honda?

                    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:07:24 UTC from web
                    1. @celestiaforequestria A honda civic actually!

                      Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:07:52 UTC from web
                      1. @bronycompany2012 The power of the guess!

                        Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:08:35 UTC from web
                        1. @celestiaforequestria You're power is strong. o_o

                          Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:09:22 UTC from web
                          1. @bronycompany2012 You're = You are ;)

                            Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:12:19 UTC from web
                            1. @celestiaforequestria ;p

                              Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:13:14 UTC from web
                      2. @bronycompany2012 eew

                        Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:09:16 UTC from web
                        1. @renovatedkitchen Whatever, the gas mileage is nuts.

                          Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:09:45 UTC from web
                          1. @bronycompany2012 I suppose

                            Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:10:31 UTC from web
                            1. @renovatedkitchen Plus i'm an 18 year old student with no job. I don't have the money for nice things.

                              Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:10:57 UTC from web
                              1. @bronycompany2012 even with a job I can't maintain mine

                                Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:12:46 UTC from web
                                1. @renovatedkitchen I want to buy a new computer. :P

                                  Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:13:23 UTC from web
                                  1. @bronycompany2012 build it yourself?

                                    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:14:03 UTC from web
                                    1. @renovatedkitchen I'm going to order the parts when I get a job then build it yes.

                                      Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:14:19 UTC from web
                                      1. @bronycompany2012 what parts you looking at getting?

                                        Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:16:10 UTC from web
                                        1. @renovatedkitchen I will think about that when I have the $$$

                                          Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:16:41 UTC from web
                                          1. @bronycompany2012 amd, whatever is cheap. Buy from the classifieds

                                            Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:19:33 UTC from web
                                            1. @renovatedkitchen Classifieds where?

                                              Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:20:03 UTC from web
                                              1. @bronycompany2012 kijiji.can

                                                Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:20:34 UTC from web
                                                1. @renovatedkitchen

                                                  Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:20:48 UTC from web
                                                2. @renovatedkitchen Not newegg?

                                                  Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:20:51 UTC from web
                                                  1. @bronycompany2012 first check kijiji. Second hand is much cheaper

                                                    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:21:47 UTC from web
                                                    1. @renovatedkitchen Good plan i'll check it right now.

                                                      Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:22:04 UTC from web
                                        2. @renovatedkitchen Suggestions?

                                          Sunday, 30-Dec-12 02:16:46 UTC from web