

  1. Come at me RDN

    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:31:40 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark Oh God, Apple Maps! Cerulean, whatever it tells you, do NOT take the next turn right. I repeat, do NOT take the next turn right!

      Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:34:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @omni The funniest thing about Apple maps is that the icon actually shows someone driving off of an overpass.

        Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:35:19 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark At least the icon is an honest representation of the product

          Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:36:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @omni Say what you will about Steve Jobs, he wouldn't have let it ship like this.

            Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:37:14 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleanspark "I am not happy he is dead, I am happy he is gone" is all that comes to mind, really.

              Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:38:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @omni Seems like a rather pointless sentiment, given that his successor is not significantly ideologically different. It's not like Apple dropped all its litigation in progress and released its entire patent library the second he died is it.

                Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:41:32 UTC from web
                1. @ceruleanspark Of course, of course, but you weren't talking about whoever followed him (which I know nothing about, really). I'm not saying Steve Jobs is a terrible man, I don't know him well enough to state things like that, but he didn't bring more good than bad into computers as far as I'm aware.

                  Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:46:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid