

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @thatonestocking Y'know, if you're trying to get the local group interested, you should tell them about the game before you tell them its name. I think part of why they aren't responding favorably is because they're still kind of confused.

      Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 01:18:24 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @redenchilada @thatonestocking Heck, just a simple "HEY GUYS let's pilot a starship together!" or something, everyone likes starships.

        Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 01:20:59 UTC from StatusNet Android
    2. @thatonestocking Maybe the best way to get interest is to set up an event for, say, a month from now and tell people they should show up. If nobody commits, call it off a week or so beforehand.

      Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 01:23:08 UTC from StatusNet Android
    3. @thatonestocking Slacker.

      Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 01:24:34 UTC from StatusNet Android