

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @ramieldash that's awesome, but zecora is an old Swahili word meaning zebra. (or so faust said)

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:15:01 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @ramieldash also, I'm stealing the name Ramiel for an original fiction im writing. (or at least composing in my head)

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:17:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    3. @ramieldash a fine observation, it could be possible, BUT I think the use of a zebra for that character was used for the ponies fear of an outsider that they didn't know much about, but they still could relate to due to zebras and ponies sort of having the same physical attributes, and has nothing to do with /b/ or /co/. Zecora was, but is no longer, the word used for zebra by the Oromo people . But I can agree with your reasoning behind it.

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:20:02 UTC from web
    4. @ramieldash That's pants for a number of reasons, not least of which is that it gives rise to an atrocious pun.

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:20:44 UTC from web
      1. @suckitnerds Weeeeeell, not even a pun really. That's how bad it was.

        Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:50:10 UTC from web
    5. @ramieldash it probably wont pop up much in the story though... he's long dead BUT HAS A RACE NAMED AFTER HIM so that's nice, right?

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:20:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    6. @ramieldash nice observation. A weird coincidence. And you haven't be on in 6 days. So Hello!

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:21:31 UTC from web
    7. @ramieldash I actually had to look up if Zecora meant anything, if not I was going to agree with you. Extremely coincidental though, very cool thing to think of now whenever I see her.

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:26:22 UTC from web
    8. @greydragon412 Nope

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:27:52 UTC from web
    9. @ramieldash Don't worry! That reminds me, I promised you something about skype.

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:28:57 UTC from web
    10. @ramieldash something about going on skype the next day I think

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:40:48 UTC from web
    11. @ramieldash I will, as soon as I stop procrastinating like a emperor.

      Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 20:48:41 UTC from web
    12. @ramieldash Will do!

      Wednesday, 06-Jul-11 01:24:54 UTC from web
    13. @ramieldash I'm on!

      Wednesday, 06-Jul-11 01:29:43 UTC from web
    14. @ramieldash Just add my skype: Itachiblader

      Wednesday, 06-Jul-11 01:42:11 UTC from web
    15. @ramieldash Lets try this again next time. Because I'm horrible when it comes to promises.

      Wednesday, 06-Jul-11 02:00:37 UTC from web