

  1. Going to sleep sad tonight. But went to sleep happy last night if I recall correctly. I'm getting pretty good at this faking thing. That's depressing

    Thursday, 10-Jan-13 06:44:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @renovatedkitchen :(

      Thursday, 10-Jan-13 06:45:20 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @yolodelerty it is what it is, Dane

        Thursday, 10-Jan-13 06:47:49 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @renovatedkitchen It's bad.

          Thursday, 10-Jan-13 06:49:32 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @yolodelerty at least I will sleep it out

            Thursday, 10-Jan-13 06:50:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @renovatedkitchen I guess. :/

              Thursday, 10-Jan-13 06:52:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              1. @yolodelerty I do impress myself, knowing how I've felt and such, and always being be able to pull through on my own. That's always a spirit boost

                Thursday, 10-Jan-13 06:54:48 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @renovatedkitchen That's bravery, man.

                  Thursday, 10-Jan-13 06:55:22 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  1. @yolodelerty bravery or stupidity, it's not like there is anyone you can always rely on but yourself I find

                    Thursday, 10-Jan-13 06:57:58 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    1. @renovatedkitchen Friends can only do so much; online friends even less. But they can always help at least a little.

                      Thursday, 10-Jan-13 07:00:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                      1. @yolodelerty I would bet money, that if I messaged my friend that I was dying, he wouldn't respond. (Meanwhile he will reply to his girlfriend while driving). Hence why you can only rely on yourself. Friends will always claim to be there for you, but we always make the mistake of believing them. I have yet to find someone I would trust my life with

                        Thursday, 10-Jan-13 07:03:41 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                        1. @renovatedkitchen You need less murdockty friends then.

                          Thursday, 10-Jan-13 07:04:25 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                          1. @yolodelerty easier said than done. What I need to do is strengthen my bond with myself, so I know myself better and my limits of what I can do

                            Thursday, 10-Jan-13 07:05:23 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                            1. @renovatedkitchen Whatever works for ya.

                              Thursday, 10-Jan-13 07:08:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                              1. @yolodelerty that's how I see it

                                Thursday, 10-Jan-13 07:09:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone