

  1. *Dashes into the allley, stopping suddenly* I've found something... The same black crystals I saw at the portal!

    Saturday, 09-Apr-11 22:29:19 UTC from web
    1. @chipthe3rd Ooooooh, crystals. Rarity could make an awesome dress with these!

      Saturday, 09-Apr-11 22:34:22 UTC from web
      1. @applebloom I'd be careful with those. They could be dangerous.

        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 22:35:33 UTC from web
      2. @applebloom Yes, but not these crystals, Apple Bloom. These are bad crystals... # @sparklingtwilight Would you like to join? We could talk a lot more then.

        Saturday, 09-Apr-11 22:36:21 UTC from web
        1. @chipthe3rd ... Sorry for being so silent.... I'm still amazed. Quick as I am, I'm also shy and prone to shock.

          Saturday, 09-Apr-11 22:38:49 UTC from web
          1. @giygashy It's okay Miryssa. I'm similar, believe it or not.

            Saturday, 09-Apr-11 22:39:45 UTC from web