

  1. i hate you now dominos. 3 miles away and i live "too far away" to deliver to. like really? you deliver to my brothers house and he lives like a block away from me....

    Friday, 25-Jan-13 02:33:26 UTC from web
    1. @jojoax Did you call the right location/order online?

      Friday, 25-Jan-13 02:34:51 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada i did the online thingy, and it said they dont deliver to my location. i would just drive to the store but my tire exploded and i dont want to have to put on the spare and wear it out

        Friday, 25-Jan-13 02:37:00 UTC from web
    2. @jojoax pizza hut, any size for $10 I believe it is

      Friday, 25-Jan-13 02:35:23 UTC from web
      1. @renovatedkitchen yea pizza hut is my next bet

        Friday, 25-Jan-13 02:37:22 UTC from web
    3. @vt3c yea there is food here. just hardly anything that i would eat.

      Friday, 25-Jan-13 02:41:36 UTC from web