

  1. You wanna know a scary thought? Most people not familar with bronies probably think you're watching something like this.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:45:13 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @leonkfox I know better than to click that. *shudders at the thought of previous generations of My Little Pony*

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:46:07 UTC from web
      1. @celestiaforequestria I occasionally watch Gen 1 to 3.5 stuff, just so I can realise what a lot people actually think I'm watching. It's not a nice thought.

        Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:49:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @leonkfox Well, you are braver one than I!

          Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:50:43 UTC from web
          1. @celestiaforequestria Thank you. :P

            Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:58:58 UTC from StatusNet Android
      2. @celestiaforequestria All generations of pony should be loved :( I enjoy them all and it's sad to see bronies hating

        Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:53:06 UTC from web
        1. @customanon Sorry. I can respect that.

          Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:54:21 UTC from web
          1. @celestiaforequestria It's really great that so many people like ponies now! I have collected since before G3 came out. But it's sad when people say "I love MLP! except all that crap that came before G4, it's stupid." -- we're talking about colorful plastic ponies, how can we discriminate? lol -- Well, except G3.5's cartoons can be really terrible.

            Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:57:28 UTC from web
            1. @customanon But I really love the G3.5 cartoons! Just kidding. Can you ever forgive me? ^^

              Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:00:02 UTC from web
              1. @celestiaforequestria There's no grudge to be forgiven. :) I just wish there was more tolerance in the brony community for older gens, the dislike of everything pre-G4 has created a rift in the pony and brony communities

                Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:01:20 UTC from web
                1. @customanon Well, I will tolerate from now on!

                  Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:03:13 UTC from web
                2. @customanon I just find the writing to be abysmal in them most of the time, plus I've gotten used to each character having a distinctive personality in FiM.

                  Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:03:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
                3. @customanon I don't hold any grudges against people who do enjoy them though, even if it does baffle me greatly I can appreciate it takes many types to make a world.

                  Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:06:31 UTC from StatusNet Android
                4. @customanon I'm okay with most of it (srsly, though, 3.5 is Cthulhianly (sp?) awful). Not fond of it, necessarily, but it's not all 3.5. :p

                  Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:08:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            2. @customanon The cartoons before Gen 4, with no offence intended, are the LAST thing I want to be associated with as a brony XD

              Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:02:11 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @leonkfox I really don't think the 80s cartoon was that bad Kinda bad? Yeah, terrible? nah. Anyway, we should stll tolerate the kiwi out of earlier gens, because they contributed to the ponies we love now. Lauren Faust herself was inspired by the cartoons of the G1 to make the characters we love.

                Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:08:05 UTC from web
                1. @customanon I thought Lauren Faust was quoted saying the original shows left a bad taste in her mouth? Well not MLP specifically, but shows made for that demographic in general. And I can appreciate that without the older generations FiM wouldn't exist, but I still find it hard to see much in the way of redeeming factor to them. (again, I hold no grudges against those who think otherwise)

                  Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:12:08 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @leonkfox Lauren Faust based the main six ponies off the G1 characters and the personalities they had. Firefly (Dash) was a dare-devil, Surprise (Pinkie) was a little wacky, etc. Faust watched and played with ponies as a girl, but she didn't like the concept behind most modern-day girls shows. (let's get dressed up and have a tea party) type thing.

                    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:16:15 UTC from web
                    1. @customanon I dunno...they just seemed so...bland even in the 80's show, which was addmitetley the best of the old shows, but still...even if her inspiration came from there, I feel she made a far superior show out of it, I can watch and enjoy and sometimes even relate to the characters of FiM or at least empaphise (sp) with them, and Gen 1 never does this for me.

                      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:22:32 UTC from StatusNet Android
    2. @ahipsterpony It's a scary thought...but was that not a tad excessive?

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:47:55 UTC from StatusNet Android
    3. @leonkfox death is the only way.

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:48:46 UTC from web
      1. @madflavors So I'm going to responsible for several suicides? Well, it was nice knowing you all, I guess.

        Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:50:19 UTC from StatusNet Android
    4. @ahipsterpony Then how did you type that out?

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:49:46 UTC from StatusNet Android
    5. @leonkfox Dohohoho you silly.

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:50:54 UTC from web
      1. @gear What? It's a tough job, but someone's gotta try and understand why so many people are so freaked out by bronies, and it helps you realise how good of a writer Lauren must be to take a franchise like...well...."that" and make a good show out of it.

        Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:57:34 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @leonkfox Yeah, I totally understand. It's outside of the norm and thus, is freaky.

          Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:26:00 UTC from web
          1. @gear It shouldn't be like, but...there you go.

            Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:27:35 UTC from StatusNet Android
    6. @ahipsterpony RDN doesn't give audio notifications, how do you know when new messages are posted?

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:55:39 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @leonkfox There's the StatusNet App. I think it gives you a cool beeping noise.

        Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:57:19 UTC from web
        1. @celestiaforequestria Well the Android version doesn't, no idea about the desktop one though.

          Saturday, 09-Jul-11 06:58:21 UTC from StatusNet Android
    7. @ahipsterpony No comment.

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:03:36 UTC from StatusNet Android
    8. @ahipsterpony ?

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:04:03 UTC from web
    9. @ahipsterpony A little bit, but it's very frustrating when I go to a MLP site and all I see is "Bronies suck/what are bronies/who are bronies/are you a brony?" and then I go to a pony site and see "G1 sucks! G2 sucks! G3 sucks! all of it sucks!"

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:09:24 UTC from web
    10. @ahipsterpony It depends. There is a fine line between toleration and coddling as I've seen in some fandoms. Which is actually totally unrelated. I hate blatant trolling and rudeness as much as I hate having to tip-toe around hurt feelings. There was a guy on a MLP forum awhile ago who complained about how his mother wouldn't let him wear his hot pink pinkie pie miniskirt to high school because she thought it would get him picked/ called gay. People coddled him and said "No way, you won't be thought of as gay if you do that!" -- what I wanted to say was "You'll get your face beat in, shut up and man up." --this was the same guy that wore a wetsuit to a mlp meetup though...

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:19:35 UTC from web
    11. @ahipsterpony Just found the quote I was thinking of, it's at the top of this page.

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:20:03 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @leonkfox I see your quote and still assert the facts that most of the main characters have basis in characters in the G1 show. I think Faust's assertion was based mostly on more stereotypical cartoons, but I'm not her and I would have no definitive say in this, just that the similarities between the personalities in the G1 cartoon and G4 align.

        Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:23:44 UTC from web
        1. @customanon I posted the quote in reply to @ahipsterpony, but I still kind of see where she's coming from even with the Gen 1 show in mind. Even if some inspiration did come from it does suffer from a number of the problems she mentioned, I feel.

          Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:26:58 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @leonkfox Yeah, I think there was a distinctively different approach to G1 than G4. They were sold as a group, not as a personality. The ponies were rather indistinct and there was a bigger focus on the people in ponyland vs. individual ponies which probably makes for a better business model. Instead of saying "I want those 6 ponies I know well" girls might say "I want a horde of ponies like Megan!"- it's almost pokemon-like, in that the show offers little details about each pokemon and focuses more on the interaction with a lot of pokemon, so you want them all. Not that it makes for a better cartoon, of course.

            Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:30:36 UTC from web
            1. @customanon Even with Pokemon though, the characters have a different look (outside of colour schemes, that is all that seperates MLP characters before FiM, they didn't even have differing hair styles for the most part) they had different attacks, were better in some battles than others, and in the show usually had their own personality, in fact often more personality than the human cast had, but I digress. MLP didn't have even that, it was just a large group of idential ponies, and it was impossible to get to know or get attached to any of them. That was what always threw me off of MLP as a kid, not the fact it was "girly" as it were. (I loved the 80's Care Bears show and still do)

              Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:37:15 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @leonkfox I don't know, previous to Best Wishes Pokemon didn't have tons of personality- aside from Meowth, Pikachu, and the handful of character pokemon like Pikachu, Charizard, Lapras- Comparatively, there are hundreds of other pokemon that barely got any spotlight. The ponies that got spotlight usually had some kind of minute personality (Gingerbread loves baking! Twilight loves books! Ember wants her cutie mark! essentially) and a backstory on their card when you bought them. I'm not saying that it was the best approach because it wasn't. but the toy line wasn't created alongside the cartoon, the cartoon started afterwards after some ponies had been made and the model of recolor + new pose = new pony. I just think it was a different marketing technique versus a failure to write personality into characters. Also if there are many bland characters instead of distinct ones, it's easier to replace them

                Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:42:10 UTC from web
                1. @customanon True, but again they had other things seperating them besides personality, if you played the games or card game you couldn't use one Pokemon for every task, each one had its own type and specific stats, so the merchandise still gave each one a unique feel, but MLP toys didn't do that, but then, neither did the shows until..well, FiM. I don't mean to come off as a smart arse here mind.

                  Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:45:28 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @leonkfox (I fell asleep, finally) I wasn't trying to say that it was a GOOD plan, I was just saying that I really think that G1 went for more of a pokemon-esque gotta catch them all v. a personal approach like Faust has done. However I would have to say that G1 does have a bit more personality to the toys than G4 does standard, because while they did recolors there were also a lot of gimmick lines (so softs, twinkle eyes, etc) and ponies were in different poses. We have rearing, sitting, etc- something hasbro has failed thusfar to deliver in the G4 line. Of course, G1 started the first year with six ponies and one pose- lets hope it comes in due time

                    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 16:31:05 UTC from web
    12. @ahipsterpony Woulda posted it here, but the result would have been a mega post.

      Saturday, 09-Jul-11 07:23:04 UTC from StatusNet Android